June 15, 2024

16 dic 1869 año - Scramble for Patagonia


During the occupation of the Araucanía, Chile began a series of expeditions into the Patagonia region and created a series of alliances with the local Mapuche [Allying with pro-chilean Mapuche led by Calfucurá]. By the mid 1870's, much of the southern cone was under either Chilean or Mapuche control.

Brief conflicts occurred between the Argentinians and Mapuche, thought he declaration of the Mapuche people as a Chilean Puppet State [which Argentina didn't recognize] in 1867 rose tensions during the conquest.

Many nations in South America hoped for a diplomatic resolution and in 1881, following an attack on the Mapuche Puppet's Capital resulted in the United Kingdom mediating the conflict as their did between Argentina and Brazil in the Cisplatine War. Diplomats from both countries met in the British Colony of Trinidad and Tobago and signed the Treaty of Scarborough.

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16 dic 1869 año
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~ 154 years ago