June 15, 2024

1 ene 1985 año - Glasnost and Perestroika



The two key principles of Gorbachev's reforms were GLASNOST (openness) and PERESTROIKA (restructuring).

Glasnost (openness):
Restoring peoples faith in the government by ending government corruption and encouraging open political debate.

Perestroika (restructuring):
Changing some economic policies to allow more competition and more intensive to produce quality goods.

As a part of Glasnost and Perestroika, Gorbachev carried out reforms such as:
- Releasing political opponents from jail
- Publishing books previously banned
- Being open with the soviet people about the atrocities committed by Stalin
- Introducing some aspects of a free economy such as trading for a private profit

However, Glasnost was a double-edged sword for Gorbachev. The freedom people got, the more they demanded. It was difficult to keep the Communist Party in Power

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1 ene 1985 año
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~ 39 years ago