June 15, 2024

1 ene 8000 año aC - End of migrations to Oceania


(cut off some pathways, probably with climate change)
(Global warming: haunting human civilizations since pre-8000 B.C.E.) (just kidding this wasn't global warming yet we were still pretty non-threatening to life on earth back then) (good times, good times)

We're focusing on Australia and New Guinea: they were similar, until they weren't.

Aboriginal peoples in AUSTRALIA kept on with their nature-friendly hunting and gathering (lol losers I mean can you even imagine not trying to destroy our own planet with literally everything we do haha ridiculous) until Europe (good old colonizing Europe bless them) came in with their late imperialism in the nineteenth century and killed most of them (after trying really hard to force them to not hunt and gather anymore).

Meanwhile, New Guinea turned to agriculture at about 3000 B.C.E. (still later than a lot of others) and their way of living drastically differed from that of people in Australia since then.

Añadido al timeline:


1 ene 8000 año aC
Ahora mismo
~ 10031 years ago