April 1, 2024

Der kostenlose Online-Service zur Erstellung der Informationsgrafik eines Bandes der Zeit

The visualization toolkit in XXI century.
* free Premium for mentions in social media.
Das Band der Zeit wiederspiegelt alle Prozesse der Weltgeschichte. Es kann nebeneinandersetzen, vergleichen und analysieren. Mit Hilfe unserer Service Sie werden die Geschichte aufs Neue eröffnen, die neuen Ursache-Wirkungs-Zusammenhänge finden und den Entwicklungsgang einer Zivilisation oder eines Staates schnell begreifen.
Das Band der Zeit hilft Ihnen die Planung der Geschäftsprozesse und der Projekte schnell und einfach durchfuhren und die Fähigkeiten des Unternehmens sowie die genaue Vorhersagen erstellen. Das ist das unersetzliche Werkzeug überall wo die präzise Planung der Projekte und die Beachtung hoher Arbeitsstandarten erforderlich sind. Mit Time.Graphics kann man nichts verpassen!
Mit Hilfe des Bandes der Zeit Sie können die eigenen Errungenschaften und Ergebnisse verfolgen. Ihre Geschichte hilft Ihnen bei Verständigung der Lebensereignisse, Ihrer Motive und die Geschwindigkeit von Erreichung der gesetzten Zielen. Tragen Sie einfach die Angaben täglich ein um die klare sichtbare Mappe der Ereignisse und der Tendenzen Ihres Lebens zu bekommen. Bezeichnen Sie die erwünschte Ziele und die Ereignisse in der Zukunft um genau zu wissen wo Sie sind und wohin Sie auf Ihrer Lebensbahn steuern.

American Association of School librarians.

In 2018 our project was honored as one of the best projects for online elearning.

Brands that trust us

User Interface

Take a couple minutes and check out our editor's features.

Download & Print

Create a timeline in minutes and download data in a variety of formats.
Example: 63 Mb, 33906 × 23490 pixels

Integrated with Google Services

Timelines can use the functionality of Google services: import events from Calendar, use Maps to specify location, add videos from YouTube, easily upload of events from Google Spreadsheet, Google Analytics.

Complete export for offline viewing

Browse your timeline without the internet. You can upload all data to your Google Drive, Dropbox, or download it to your computer or mobile phone as a zip archive.

Other Big Data

Integrate events with Vimeo, World Bank’s big data for all countries. You can also edit timelines together, use data in your databases, and much more.

Convenient for educational purposes

Time.Graphics is the perfect tool for educational institutions. Through a personalized account you manage teachers, students, pricing plans, classrooms, timelines, premium subscriptions, and control the learning process.

For educational institutions

Organizations will have access to a cabinet to manage teacher and student accounts. Create classrooms, manage subscriptions, receive educational discounts of up to 90%.
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For teachers

Study with your students together, give homework assignments, and track progress.
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For study

Use the timeline to plan your class preparation for school, institute, college or university.
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Editor's choice

Explore more than 500,000 timelines to use for social media.
3 Mon. zuvor
22 Apr 2018

Testimonials and Feedback

Interesting feedback about our project left on our service page trustpilot.com
Based on 115+ reviews
May 23, 2023
Jesse Kovacs
The timelines I create involve hundreds, if not thousands, of people, places, events, contexts, etc., which would be basically impossible to navigate without this platform's organizational features like the tagging and grouping systems. I also love the ability to export in numerous different formats.
Jesse Kovacs
Jan 22, 2023
This tool is just extraordinary. I love history and always try to make timelines for my students because visual learning is much more effective than just plain facts. With this tool, I have the capacity to choose the design according to the significance of the event. For example if I am working on a history timrlinr on medicine I can make a large ball while enetering penicilin invention as it is one of the most remarkable event. The website is so smooth and making entry is can not be any easier. You just make yor file in a doc or excel sheet and then eithy copy paste or upload the excel file. Simple, beautiful,effective.
Jan 13, 2023
I've tried several timelines graphing tools and Time.Graphics is hands-down the best one out there. Not only it is easy and intuitive to use but it looks great to boot. I'm a visual person and for me being able to track important and pivotal events, actions, and their consequences is very valuable. I've recommended this tool to all my friends and colleagues. Five stars!
Jan 24, 2023
Drew Hardy
This is exactly what I was looking for, but couldn't find with other timeline makers. This tool allows you to create an open-ended timeline that you can scroll, expand and contract. Perfect teaching tool for history courses.
Drew Hardy