// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. 2nd American Party System 1828-1854 (18 jan 1828 ano – 13 jun 1854 ano) (Linha do tempo)
April 1, 2024

2nd American Party System 1828-1854 (18 jan 1828 ano – 13 jun 1854 ano)


The 2nd Party System emerged with Andrew Jackson's presidency in 1828. He formulated the Jacksonian Democrats, named for their firm belief in democracy. Before Jackson's presidency, voter turnout at elections had been quite low. However, by 1840 there was a large increase in the number of voters. The two main parties of the second system were the Whig party and the Democratic party. There were many minor parties emerging as well such as the Liberty party, free-soil party, and the anti-masonic party. The 2nd American Party System occurred during the Jacksonian Era and was overcome by the 3rd Party System in 1854.
The image depicts Andrew Jackson because he basically started the 2nd American Party system. He created the Democratic Party which caused the switch from the first party system to the second.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

22 dez 2017


18 jan 1828 ano
13 jun 1854 ano
~ 26 years
