June 15, 2024

'The Rotten Core' (The Walking Dead: Volume 31) (12 h 21 out 2008 ano – 18 h 5 dez 2008 ano)


- Day 1921 > 1966
- Carl makes Joshua feel welcome, Aaron and Jesus inform Maggie of the Whisperers.
- Michonne tells Elodie she's accepted the apartment offer and will be practicing as a lawyer.
- Michonne and Elodie go on holiday to Greenville, Jerome escorts them.
- Pamela views the sea at Oceanside for the first time since way before the turn.
- Princess creeps out Rick, they run into a small herd, the Militia show off their skills.
- The Commonwealth arrive at the Sanctuary, John welcomes them.
- Rick explains Negan and the Savior war to Pamela.
- Rick apologises to Dwight.
- The Commonwealth arrives at the Kingdom, William welcomes them.
- The Commonwealth arrives at the rebuilt Hilltop Colony, Maggie isn't so welcoming.
- Maggie doesn't trust Pamela and hears about Michonne.
- Rick's group begin their journey to the Commonwealth, Dwight sends a group back to Alexandria.
- Michonne and Elodie return from their trip, several other officers beat a man to near death.
- Lance informs Michonne that Anthony Keith has died.
- A riot breaks out outside Michonne's apartment, Rick and Pamela arrive on the scene.
- Michonne defends the officers in court for her first trial.
- Eugene and Stephanie look at a broken down train with plans to get it operational again.
- Rick convinces Pamela to help with the street clean up.
- Princess and Mercer have rough sex, Dwight wants to take over the Commonwealth.
- Sophia wants a relationship, Magna and Yumiko feel like it's only a matter of time before war.
- Rick cries in public at breakfast, Eugene and Stephanie kiss.
- Pamela increases the police force on the streets, Rick meets with the Governor.
- Dwight causes a commotion with the officers and is arrested.
- Rick scolds Dwight in jail, Mercer wants Rick to lead the Commonwealth.
- Sophia has breakfast with Josh, Stephanie wears a wig, Dwight is released from jail.
- Elodie's friends side against the guards, Magna prepares Alexandria in case there's a conflict.
- The group joins Pamela on a roamer hunting party.
- Michonne secretly invites Pamela to discuss a way to improve the fairness, Rick is forced to shoot Dwight dead to keep the peace.
- Rick blames Michonne, he might have just joined the wrong side in war.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


12 h 21 out 2008 ano
18 h 5 dez 2008 ano
~ 1 months and 15 days
