June 15, 2024

The Draft (1 jan 1967 ano – 1 jan 1973 ano)


“We are not about to send American boys nine or ten thousand miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves.” President Lyndon Johnson; October 21, 1964.

The draft selected men from ages 19-26 and this included famous individuals such as Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Bill Murray, and Muhammad Ali. Many people were selected to go to war through capsule numbers which were designated towards peoples birthdays. If a number was chosen and that was connected to your birthday you might be needed for war. This happened in America and the birthdays were chosen on TV to decide which order people would be selected to go to war. The first lottery drawing happened on December 1, 1969. The draft was put in place because the war was going on and the United States needed more people to help out in the war so they chose random men between ages 19-26.

American Escalation and Failure:
The event of the draft contributed to America’s defeat because the draft randomly picked many males in the US to fight in the war. This had a lot of controversy because people didn’t want to fight in the war. This caused protests and riots which affected the government and the American public's relationship.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

17 mai 2019


1 jan 1967 ano
1 jan 1973 ano
~ 6 years
