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April 1, 2024

Invention of microwave (1 jan 1 ano – 1 jan 1946 ano)


The microwave was actually a by-product. In 1946 Dr. Percy Spencer who was an engineer, was making a something similar to the radar-related product but he saw something unusual, he was standing in front of the active combat radar and he noticed that the chocolate bar in his pocket and it started to melt. Since the microwave was a by-product, people have modified it to make it more like a microwave that was originally made and that it was not a by-product. Now, we have all these popular like Samsung, Panasonic, and Frigidaire.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

26 nov 2017


1 jan 1 ano
1 jan 1946 ano
~ 1946 years