June 15, 2024

The Russian Civil War (1 nov 1918 ano – 1 out 1920 ano)


After the working class and the "Red Gaurd" stormed the Winter Palace Lenin did not want a bloody revolution, but the death of Ex- Tsar Nicolas II, led the middle and upper classes to provoke and set the Civil War in motion.

The Red Bolshevik army of anti-capitalists. The Bolsheviks were working class people. They were moderate to radical Communists and all had the same ideals for the most part. This united the Red Army under one common goal. the Reds also had Lenin and a Military general on their side. The White army was comprised of the middle and upper classes. They all had different values and different ideas: Anti-Bolshevik, people Loyal to the Royals and some who just wanted Democracy. They ended up caving in on themselves because they couldn't figure out what their end goal was and how to get. The White army's numbers were nothing compared to the Reds, and the Reds natural advantage of having General Trotsky as a leader also lead to the defeat of the White army.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


1 nov 1918 ano
1 out 1920 ano
~ 1 years and 11 months
