June 15, 2024

First Esopus War (20 set 1659 ano – 15 jul 1660 ano)


A brief conflict between New Netherland and the Esopus tribe. It began with a drunken Esopus man firing off a musket in celebration of completing some work. A group of New Dutch became upset and suspected that they were under attack. On September 20, a mob attacked some Esopus workers. The next day, hundreds of warriors arrived and began destroying crops and buildings and killing livestock. The New Dutch were unable to directly fight the Esopus, so they stuck to burning their enemy's crops. The war ended with the Esopus requesting peace and food on July 15, 1660. However, this did not resolve the tensions between the two groups, and another war would break out three years later.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


20 set 1659 ano
15 jul 1660 ano
~ 10 months