June 15, 2024

Irish Potato Famine (1 jan 1845 ano – 1 jan 1849 ano)


A period of great famine in Ireland brought about by a potato blight. The Irish grew almost exclusively potatoes, so when the blight hit, the people were left with very little food. An intense famine set in, with one million dying over the course of four years. A large number of Irish also emigrated in order to escape the famine, with many arriving in the US, around five million by the end of the decade. Though America was known as the land of golden opportunity for immigrants seeking a better life, Irish immigrants tended to face strong discrimination upon arrival. Most Irish immigrants were poor, Catholic, and spoke little English, none of which pleased American nativists. They were usually unable to apply for high-paying jobs due to hiring discrimination, such as the famous phrases "Irish need not apply" or "No Irish need apply." As such, they were usually stuck in working-class jobs, such as railroad construction. After the famine was over, immigration for Ireland fell, as did nativist sentiment.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


1 jan 1845 ano
1 jan 1849 ano
~ 4 years