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April 1, 2024

The Oort Cloud (11 mar 2000000 ano antes da era comum – 11 nov 497981 ano antes da era comum)


1. The Oort Cloud is the farthest object in the solar system that scientists are able to see.
2. The Oort Cloud is the outer shell of the solar system which contains humongous icy objects.
3. Objects that are inside the Oort Cloud are also referred to Trans - Neptunian objects.
4. Scientists don't know exactly how many objects are located in the Oort Cloud, but they estimate that it could be around 2 trillion objects.
5. The Oort cloud contains two regions, the spherical outer part and the disc shaped inner cloud called the Hills cloud.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


11 mar 2000000 ano antes da era comum
11 nov 497981 ano antes da era comum
~ 1503016 years