// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Second Great Awakening (13 dez 1790 ano – 17 dez 1820 ano) (Linha do tempo)
April 1, 2024

Second Great Awakening (13 dez 1790 ano – 17 dez 1820 ano)


3 revolutions: political, economic, and religious
Caused mainly by religious liberalism→ people were less into the original intense puritan kinds of religion, and calvinists and puritans get angry
Church reorganization
New religious sects: unitarianism grows, etc
Fragmentation of religious faith
Boosted church membership
Missionaries are sent to convert Native Americans, Hawaiians, and Asians (in Asia)
Prisons are reformed
Women’s rights movement gains steam
Feminization of religion
Women were enthused by religious revivalism
Started a bunch of organizations that led most of the era’s biggest reform movements
Widened the gap between social classes and religions
Rich conservatives in the east weren’t really affected
Episcopalians, presbyterians, congregationalists, and unitarians rose in wealthy and educated parts of society
Methodists, baptists, and other new groups created by evangelists rose in poorer less educated areas of the South and West
Anti-slavery movement became more prominent
Southern churches split from northern churches regarding slavery
Foreshadowing the split of political parties and then the split of the Union

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

10 dez 2017


13 dez 1790 ano
17 dez 1820 ano
~ 30 years