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April 1, 2024

Lucius cornelius Sulla (6 jun 138 ano antes da era comum – 23 maio 78 ano antes da era comum)


Favored general of the optimates who had earlier been Marius assitant. Became consul in 88 bce. in a campain against Mithridates his power was taken away at the last second, he got an army and returned to Rome wiping out his oponents and then leaving to fight Mithridates. After he returned his political changes in Rome we're undone so he butchered his opponents and took power in 81 bce. taking the position of dictator for 2 years instead of the recommended half year. His abuse of power became a blueprint for later power abuse of the leaders.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


6 jun 138 ano antes da era comum
23 maio 78 ano antes da era comum
~ 60 years