June 15, 2024

Victorian period (5 fev 1832 ano – 5 out 1901 ano)


Victorian period and the 19th century (1832-1901)
• Queen Victoria became queen 1837
• The Victorian Era is called La Belle Epoche in central Europe, (the beautiful era)
• Political reforms
• The reform bill 1832
• Nonconformist churches (they weren´t religious)
British global imperial expansion which made the British Empire the largest in history. Great unpredicted demographic changes. Trading, naval and industrial supremacy.
The literature during the Victorian Era can be described as a social, economic, and political upheal. Sentimental stories and stories on double standards became common, especially among higher classes. Famous female writers during this time are Jane Austen and the Brontë sisters, and other famous writers are Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde, Mark Twain, Emily Dickinson, Walt Withman.

I Hear America singing, answers to questions:
1. The mood is positive and hopeful. The singing is a sign for happiness, because when you are singing you are most likely to be happy.
2. I think Whitman describes different types of workers in the poem because he wants to show that even though people are in different situations they can feel the same type of happiness.
3. I think Whitman feels that America is a strong country with people who are willing to work and work together for an even better country.

Oliver Twist, answers to questions:
1. In the text it says that each one of the boys only got one porringer and no more, that is not much and that is way they are starving.
2. Oliver is chosen to ask the master for some more food.
3. Oliver´s request caused such a commotion because they weren´t supposed to get more food because don’t want to spend money on them.
4. I think that Oliver is going to be adopted and that his future after will be bright. I don´t believe that he will be hung.
5. I think Charles Dickens is criticizing the way the children were treated, it is not fair for them to starve in order to save money.
6. The story could still apply today because there are countries in the world where the children don’t get enough to eat, and maybe for the same causes like in this story.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, answers to questions
1. Tom Is feeling miserable on Monday mornings because he thinks that there is a new week of suffering school.
2. I have felt like Tom many times and I can be very unmotivated to go to school, especially on Monday mornings when I there is a whole new week upcoming. Most of the times when I feel like that I just try to think positive and go to school.
3. The illness Tom pretend to be suffering from is that his toe hurts and that he has a loose tooth. Sid is believing in Tom, reacts very serious, and gets scared. The auntie Polly otherwise, is laughing at him because she thinks he is being ridiculous.
4. To pull out Tom´s tooth Polly is using a silk thread and a chunk of fire. One end of the thread was around his tooth and the other end was tied to the bed-post, then she seized the chunk of fire and the tooth was out.
5. In the end going to school wasn´t so bad as he thought because people were interested in the exhibition, that he had lost one tooth. Every boy he met came to him to see and now he was the center of attention.
6. I have lied a few times to my parents to get out of going to school or not doing something I don’t want to do, but I would maybe not call it lies. I would rather say that I strengthen the truth, for example if I don’t feel quite well and I am supposed to do something boring, then I can just convince my parents to not go by telling them I feel worse than I do.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

21 fev 2019


5 fev 1832 ano
5 out 1901 ano
~ 69 years
