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April 1, 2024

Ishmael and wife (21 set 653 ano antes da era comum – 4 jan 596 ano antes da era comum)


This is an estimated lifespan of Ishmael, being born in 653 and dying in 596 at the age of 57. Note that this makes Ishmael about 53 when he joins Lehi in the wilderness, and his wife would be about the same age. I place him as being slightly older than Lehi, though this is just my impression.

Ishmael was a righteous man who was likely converted at the time that Josiah reformed the religious worship of the people. He was a close associate of Lehi, and I believe the two were good friends and that their families were well acquainted long before the events of the Book of Mormon.

Ishmael and his wife had seven children; two sons and five daughters. None of them are named in the Book of Mormon, nor is there any indication of their age. However, both sons were already married before the events of the Book of Mormon, meaning they were already adults. The text states that they brought their families with them, indicating that they likely already had children as well.
The five sons of Ishmael were married to the four sons of Lehi, with the oldest being married to Zoram. This occurred after Ishmael brought his family to join Lehi’s family on their journey.

When we consider the ages of their children we can assume that the wife of Ishmael was about the same age as her husband. She was also likely a convert at the time of Josiah, and would also have been closely associated with Lehi and his family.

Ishmael never made it to the New World. He died in the wilderness in a place called Nahom.
We are given no information about the deaths of the rest of his family, but it is assumed they all made it to the New World. His wife seems to have died sometime before Lehi, or around the same time, as there is no indication that she went with Nephi when he fled.

Of their children, all made it to the New World. The daughters that married Zoram, Nephi, and Sam seem to have remained faithful and followed Nephi when he fled. Those who married Laman and Lemuel seem to have simply followed their husbands.
Of Ishmael’s sons one seems to have been firmly aligned with Laman and Lemuel, while the other was less certain and would side with Lehi and Nephi at times. However, both remained with Laman when Nephi fled.
There is some indication that members of all families fled with Nephi, so that all the Nephites actually had the blood of all the children of Lehi and Ishmael mixed in them.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


21 set 653 ano antes da era comum
4 jan 596 ano antes da era comum
~ 57 years