June 15, 2024

The Barbary Pirates (1 jan 1620 ano – 1 jan 1830 ano)


The Barbary coast pirates were attracted to ports like Tunis and Algiers. They held onto the Muslim expansion and did not make a lot of appearances on a major scale.

Morocco, Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli are the 4 Barbary ports. They are overseen by local rulers called Beys and the Chief Governors, called Beylerbeyis. They were also looked over by the Deys, or the chief regional governors. These people appointed the Beys and encourage the courts as havens. The captain's council is called the Taife Raisi, and before 1671, the council supervised the ports, but also answered to the Saltine during wars. The council ruled over disputes, sales, and divided the earnings to the Bey (10% pus a port fee).

The preferred vessel of the Barbary pirates was the Galley, which could navigate winds and shallow waters while being fast and light. There were sails and 20-30 oars, each with 3-6 rowers. This added up to a crew of 100-200, and slaves would be tied and chained to oars.

The variation of a Galley was a Galliot, which was smaller, had not much storage, and rowers were free men. The Galleas was a hybrid of a Galley and a sailing ship, with heavy guns and speed.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

19 dez 2018


1 jan 1620 ano
1 jan 1830 ano
~ 210 years