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April 1, 2024

Independence of Latin America (1 jan 1814 ano – 1 jan 1826 ano)


Due to the War of Independence, there was not rule in America. In 1810, some American territories established juntas. When Fernando VII returned to the throne, the Spanish rule was restored, exept for Paraguay.

Creoles wanted power, liberalism and nationalism was spread throughout the continent and they had the support of Britain.

Between 1814 and 1826 there were wars of independence in Spanish America.
- In the south --> José de San Martín
- In the north --> Simón Bolívar
- In México --> Agustín de Iturbide
- Perú --> Bolívar and San Martín
- Bolivia became independent in 1825.

Spain lost all territories in America, except for Cuba and Purto Rico.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

19 dez 2018


1 jan 1814 ano
1 jan 1826 ano
~ 12 years