// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Nikita Khrushchev (1 jan 1953 ano – 1 jan 1964 ano) (Linha do tempo)
April 1, 2024

Nikita Khrushchev (1 jan 1953 ano – 1 jan 1964 ano)


In his Secret Speech, Khrushchev denounced Stalin for his cult of personality, and his regime for violating the norms of Leninist theory. Khrushchev was responsible for establishing the Warsaw Pact - an alliance between Eastern Europe and Eastern Block countries that felt threatened by NATO. Khrushchev was also responsible for putting forth the doctrine of "Peaceful co-existence" into foreign policy, accompanied by the slogan "To catch up and overtake the West." He led the way for the Soviet space program that launched Sputnik I and Yuri Gagarin into space. He played an important role in the deployment of missiles in Cuba, which led to the Cuban missile crisis. He was also responsible for the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


1 jan 1953 ano
1 jan 1964 ano
~ 11 years