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April 1, 2024

Inernational Cod Fishery (1 set 1497 ano – 9 dez 1992 ano)


Off the grand banks of Newfoundland, an Italian sailor named Giovanni makes a trip overseas and discovers Newfoundland. The fishing was so rich you could drop a bucket into the water and have it full of fish. European ships ended up fishing far past the closing of the fishery. Cod was important as the protestant churches would hold fasts in which you could not eat meat, fish was cheap and full of protein, it was easy to prepare, dry, and sell, and several days of the week would be devoted to churches fishing and eating fish. This was also a time f war, so European nations saw fish as a great army ration. The cheapest/lowest quality of fish would be given to slaves. There were two kinds of fisheries, dry and wet. dry fisheries were dried on stages in the sun because there was no access to salt, while wet fisheries used a fish flake and salt to dry.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

19 dez 2018


1 set 1497 ano
9 dez 1992 ano
~ 495 years