June 15, 2024

The Enlightenment (1 jan 1650 ano – 1 set 1800 ano)


This period is also called the Age of Reason. In international terms, it started in 1620, according to the French it started 1715. Rationalism, empirism, criticism, egalitarianism, became common and deism developed during this period. People started to think that we are equal and that it doesn´t matter if we are poor or rich. People also stopped listening so much on the church and critical thinking and argumentation became more common

This period was a starting point of the middleclass, more people were literate, learned how to read, got more self-control and common sense. The fact that people weren’t that poor anymore, and instead were middle class made people afford elegant and fancy clothes. Their appearances, formal style, elegance changed. It also became more common to bring food from other countries, for example tea and chocolate. Coffee houses were also very common.

During this era, there were advancement of ideals like progress, tolerance, fraternity, constitutional government and separation of church and state. Europe called this period the birth of democracy and liberalism.
Isaac Newton, Mary Wollstonecraft, Benjamin Franklin are some of the major writers of the Enlightment

The French Revolution 1789-1799
The American Constitution 1789

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

21 fev 2019


1 jan 1650 ano
1 set 1800 ano
~ 150 years
