June 15, 2024

Pre-Colonization (24 abr 0 ano – 5 dez 1492 ano)


For a while, many people believed that Christopher Columbus was the first explorer to "discover" America (the first to make a successful round-trip voyage across the Atlantic). But in recent years, as new evidence came, our understanding of history has changed. We now know that Columbus was one of the last explorers to reach the Americas, not the first., as many had believed. Vikings, led by Leif Eriksson, also set foot in North America and established a settlement. And long before that, America seems to have been visited by travelers from China, and possibly even by visitors from Africa and even Ice Age Europe. Before the European explorers arrived, the Americas were already home to millions of native peoples. While those Native American groups differed from each other, they all performed rituals and ceremonies that brought back to mind the memories of the ancestors who had come before them and given them their place on Earth.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


24 abr 0 ano
5 dez 1492 ano
~ 1493 years