June 15, 2024

Pontiac's Rebellion (28 abr 1763 ano – 25 jul 1766 ano)


A rebellion of a confederacy of Native American tribes around what would become the Northwest Territory against the British.

On April 28, 1763, Odawa leader Pontiac incited feelings of violence and rebellion among his people and allies, then planned to besiege British Fort Detroit. They did so, massacring the soldiers stationed there. On July 31, Pontiac defeated the British reinforcements at the Battle of Bloody Run.

Pontiac was forced to retreat after learning reinforcements from the French were not coming, but instead proceeded to capture eight smaller forts. They then laid siege to Fort Pitt, where they were infected with smallpox and forced to retreat. The confederacy lost at Bushby Run, then inflicted a costly defeat to the British at Devil's Hole.

Fearing for their safety, a group of Pennsylvanian vigilantes known as the Paxton Boys formed, who murdered several friendly Native Americans. Native American raids continued on British colonies. Spurred by the scalpings of innocent settlers, the British military in 1764, set out for revenge in a series of harsh punitive expeditions, devastating the tribes. The war was resolved between Pontiac and Sir William Johnson at New York in 1766.

~450 British troops killed
2000 British colonists killed/captured
Unknown Native American casualties

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


28 abr 1763 ano
25 jul 1766 ano
~ 3 years and 2 months