June 15, 2024

Cholera (22 abr 1854 ano – 1 jan 0 ano)


• Transmission/Symptoms:
o diarrhea, fever, vomiting, increased thirst, loss of skin elasticity, low blood pressure, rapid weight loss
o eating contaminated food
o drinking contaminated water
• Facts:
o Discovered 1854
o Pandemic started in India, then spread via trade routes
o Germ theory is becoming widely acceptable to the public
o Robert Koch isolated Vibrio Cholera in 1884
o Vibrio Cholerae bacterium pathogen
o Slums are particularly a primary target of Cholera
o “lightening disease” because it can transmit very fast along with symptoms
o 1 quart amount of body fluid lost per hour from severe diarrhea and vomiting after infection hits

o 50% people die from dehydration if untreated

• Not eradicated

• Treatments/Prevention:
o clean water, sanitary facilities
o water + sugar + salt (like Gatorade!)
o Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate
o Anti biotic with severe dehydrating
o Consider vaccination, wash hands!

• Historical Events:
o 1849: New York Epidemic where the bacteria remained for the next 12 years
o 1854: John Snow determined that the disease was not from miasma, but from contaminated water
o 1858: “Great Stink”
-This was important because the stench was so bad that the government had been shut down. Soaking the curtains with Chloride did not work. Sanitation development was important to society because before when diseases such as Cholera emerged, thousands of people passed away due to unsanitary conditions. This is important because humans produce 13 gallons of feces per year which 10% of it is bacteria. An example is from Medieval Europe which people abandoned sanitation practices and threw their poop outside of their house that were later polluted in waterway, which did not separate drinking water from waste water.
o 1855: Parliament passed anti-stinky-fumes Bill
o 1897: outbreak in Hamburg
o 1911: last documented US outbreak

Picture reference: from Cholera Lecture Slides

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

13 dez 2018


22 abr 1854 ano
1 jan 0 ano
~ 0 months
