// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Zhou Dynasty (1 jan 1029 ano antes da era comum – 1 jan 258 ano antes da era comum) (Linha do tempo)
April 1, 2024

Zhou Dynasty (1 jan 1029 ano antes da era comum – 1 jan 258 ano antes da era comum)


The Zhou dynasty was the first real example dynasty in China and it became a model for all the dynasties after. The Dynastic cycle takes root in the Zhou Dynasty. The idea of the Mandate of Heaven, Confucianism, Daoism, and a trademark greater cultural unity in China all began in the Zhou Dynasty. The fall of this dynasty was related to local princes, or vassals, had too much power, and taxes were not collected efficiently.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

12 dez 2018


1 jan 1029 ano antes da era comum
1 jan 258 ano antes da era comum
~ 771 years
