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April 1, 2024

Agricultural Revolution (1 jan 1750 ano – 31 dez 1880 ano)


The Agricultural Revolution was a period of time in which innovations in agriculture allowed for better food production. This, in turn, allowed the population of Britain, in this case, to grow exponentially. In the time between the mid-1700s and the 1930s, the population of the planet more than doubled due to the abundance of food created by the innovations of the Agricultural Revolution. Some of these innovations were that of the Seed Drill, the Four Crop Rotation System, and the Enclosure Movement. The Seed Drill was a horse-drawn machine that drilled three rows of holes for seeds at a time while planting the seeds and filling the hole within one action tripling the number of crops planted at a time and allowing for quicker planting. The Four Crop Rotation System

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


1 jan 1750 ano
31 dez 1880 ano
~ 131 years