// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. MERCANTILISM - Guaranteed Birt's suppl of trop prod and their profit off processing/ re-exporting - =/= buy finished goods elsewhere, colonies we're allowed to sell raw materials to anyone but the mother country, - Protects planters and factory owners from foreign prod of ff/ finished goods - v position of planter classes after they ^ of power - ^ position of industrial capitalists - System started to jepodise domestic supply (4 mar 1500 ano – 12 jun 1800 ano) (Linha do tempo)
April 1, 2024

MERCANTILISM - Guaranteed Birt's suppl of trop prod and their profit off processing/ re-exporting - =/= buy finished goods elsewhere, colonies we're allowed to sell raw materials to anyone but the mother country, - Protects planters and factory owners from foreign prod of ff/ finished goods - v position of planter classes after they ^ of power - ^ position of industrial capitalists - System started to jepodise domestic supply (4 mar 1500 ano – 12 jun 1800 ano)

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

4 dez 2018


4 mar 1500 ano
12 jun 1800 ano
~ 300 years