June 15, 2024

Meji Restoration (1 jan 1868 ano – 14 dez 1878 ano)


While other countries were industrializing, Japan was being held back by their government. The Tokugawa was a group of warrior landowners who took power and named their government the Tokugawa Bakufu. The lead Japan for the next 260 years. During their rule the Tokugawa didn't want anything to do with western countries because they had bad experiences with them in the past and they were afraid of Japan being taken over by the western countries. The Tokugawa didn't let any ship to be sent abroad, anyone who did this would be killed, the arrival of foreign ships had to be reported, and the samurai couldn't buy goods from foreign ships. Finally, Matthew Perry arrived on a large steamboat from the United States. He wanted to force Japan to open their ports to U.S. ships so they could trade with Japan. Japan couldn't handle a threat to power and signed a treaty with the U.S. and opened up trade. This treaty allowed a group of Samurai to overthrow the government and modernize Japan.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


1 jan 1868 ano
14 dez 1878 ano
~ 10 years