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April 1, 2024

The Elizabethan Age (1 jan 1558 ano – 24 mar 1603 ano)


Elizabeth I or The Virgin Queen was the daughter of Anne and Henry. She believed in the Anglican beliefs and converted England back to them. All of the priests who had converted felt safe again, and although the Catholics became furious, she still had great success during her reign. She created the Elizabethan Compromise which made her the "Supreme Governor" and the other monarch "Head of the Church of England". There was also an oath of loyalty for the clergy and a set form of worship. She also made England the 1st country to be tolerant or allowing more than one religion. She allowed Anglicanism and Catholicism. During her reign, she also received a proposal from Phillip II, and when she rejected it, he sent the Spanish Armada to England. Elizabeth sent Francis Drake to sabotage and easily defeated them. Her reign was one of the greatest ever, and many people were influenced by her.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

4 dez 2018


1 jan 1558 ano
24 mar 1603 ano
~ 45 years
