June 15, 2024

Reconstruction (8 dez 1863 ano – 31 mar 1877 ano)


The post-Civil War period that oversaw the redevelopment of both the North and South that had been ruined by the conflict. Additionally, plans were created and executed to punish or forgive the South for their transgressions.

The moderate Republican plan, championed by Lincoln in 1863, involved Southerners pledging loyalty to the Union to receive amnesty and restoration of all non-human property. Once 10% of the Confederacy had pledged loyalty, they would be allowed to elect their new state government. However, Lincoln died before this could be carried out.

The Wade-Davis Bill, pushed by radical Republicans in Congress (eg Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens), proposed the seizure and redistribution of plantation land in the South to recently emancipated slaves. This passed Congress, but was not signed by Lincoln.

What was eventually passed was President Johnson's plan, which involved pardoning all Confederates except large plantation owners and rebel leaders (most of whom were pardoned individually). He also allowed them to select their own government, leading the South to elect the old aristocracy and Confederate leaders.

This period saw three Constitutional amendments passed, securing black rights. The 13th abolished slavery, the 14th provided guaranteed birthright citizenship, and the 15th guaranteed the suffrage of black males. The last was enforced by the US Army, who was sent by the government to oversee the compliance with the new law in the South. These troops were recalled in 1877 as part of the condition for electing President Hayes, ending the Reconstruction Era.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


8 dez 1863 ano
31 mar 1877 ano
~ 13 years