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April 1, 2024

Spartacus Revolts (2 jan 73 ano antes da era comum – 21 jun 71 ano antes da era comum)


huge army of escaped slaves and engaged in various conflicts and revolts against the Roman army, but was eventually defeated by Roman general Crassus.

Following the Roman conquest of foreign territories, the face of the Roman Republic changed; the wealthy profited from overseas markets and from developing latifundia, large estates worked by prisoners of war who had been forced into slavery. A state of general unrest developed in the form of class struggles: oppressed peoples, such as Spartacus, fought for their freedom against the large powerful, Roman state.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

20 dez 2018


2 jan 73 ano antes da era comum
21 jun 71 ano antes da era comum
~ 1 years and 6 months