June 15, 2024

Third Seminole War (20 dez 1855 ano – 8 maio 1858 ano)


A third conflict between the US Army and the Seminole tribe in Florida.

On December 20 1855, a group of Seminoles led by Billy Bowlegs attacked a small group of US soldiers led by Lieutenant George Hartstuff, killing several. The Seminoles conducted several raids throughout January 1856. On March 31, they tried attacking Dr. Joseph Braden's plantation, referred to as the "Braden Castle." They captured a few slaves and mules, but the extra weight slowed them down, allowing the US militia to catch up to them and kill two Seminoles. Several small attacks commenced during spring, usually not resulting in any more than a few deaths. On June 16, 20 militiamen attacked some Seminole at the Peace River, killing somewhere between 4 and 20, including Ocsen Tustenuggee, the only Seminole chief waging attacks against US settlements.

In September, US Brigadier General William S. Tarney assumed control of the military in Florida. He planned to pin them down in a swamp, but to no avail. Colonel Gustavus Loomis replaced Harney, and pursued the Seminole across the swamp with specially designed boats. In November 1857, 800 US troops destroyed any Seminole village they found and captured over a dozen Seminole. They attacked again in January 1858, destroying more Seminole towns. Billy Bowlegs was contacted and asked to move to a separate reservation set aside for them in exchange for $100 or more for each Seminole. Over 100 Seminole, including Bowlegs, agreed and move by early May. The US declared the war to be over by May 8.

The Seminole presence in Florida was greatly diminished, leaving only 100-200 by 1858, with even more moving out in the coming years. The troops were withdrawn, as were the militia, and the forts were decommissioned.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


20 dez 1855 ano
8 maio 1858 ano
~ 2 years and 4 months