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April 1, 2024

Lovell Rebellion (1 abr 1486 ano – 22 abr 1486 ano)


Rebellion was headed by Francis, Viscount Lovell, along with the Stafford brothers, Thomas and Humphrey.
Outcomes - the Stafford brothers were arrested; Humphrey was executed, Thomas was spared.
Lovell fled Jasper Tudor to Burgundy.
Yorkist opportunities - They attempted to raise forces in the North and the Midlands; after it was crushed, they realised that they needed a figurehead, such as a pretender/Yorkist Prince.
Henry's opportunities - laws were altered so that anyone who committed treason could not take up sanctuary.
All three people involved thrived under Yorkist rule and despised the Tudors.
They had been in sanctuary since the Battle of Bosworth.

Challengers to Henry VII's reign.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

28 nov 2018


1 abr 1486 ano
22 abr 1486 ano
~ 21 days