June 15, 2024

'All Out War: Part 2' (The Walking Dead: Volume 21) (12 h 9 maio 2005 ano – 18 h 11 maio 2005 ano)


- Day 660 > 662
- Eugene's crew is captured by Negan.
- Rick wakes up, Denise passes away.
- A funeral is held, Alexandria is evacuated to the Hilltop.
- Negan taunts Eugene, Dwight and Carson defect the Saviors.
- The Hilltop is low on food, nobody sleeps at night.
- Negan practices biological warfare, the Kingdom migrate to the Hilltop.
- The Militia talk strategy, Negan prepares an attack at sundown.
- Carson helps Eugene's crew escape, Negan attacks the Hilltop, Dwight shoots Rick.
- Nicholas is stabbed with a tainted knife, the Militia open fire on the Saviors using light.
- Anyone stabbed are dying from infection, Negan believes he's won.
- Eugene arrives at the Hilltop, Nicholas dies, Rick is fine.
- Rick talks Negan down with his vision for the future and slits his throat, one final battle commences.
- The war is over, Rick imprisons Negan for the rest of his life.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


12 h 9 maio 2005 ano
18 h 11 maio 2005 ano
~ 2 days
