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April 1, 2024

Old English (1 nov 428 ano – 1 nov 1066 ano)


i thoght that the old englisg sounded like russian. Before the time when the old English were introduced, England was under the rule of Roma empire. Around 450 new invaders arrived in celtic England. there were Germanuc tribes Angels, saxon and jutes.

Everyone agrees in calling the language of our earliest extensive sources found in contemporary copies ‘Old English’: these are Latin-English glossaries from around the year 700. (Some other material was certainly composed before 700, but survives only in later copies.)

By this time Old English was already very distinct from its Germanic sister languages (see below) as a result of many sound changes (i.e. changes in how certain sounds were pronounced, chiefly when they occurred near to certain other sounds) and other linguistic developments. In fact, most of the most important changes which we can trace through our surviving Old English documents had already happened before this time.

Some of them were very probably well in progress or even complete before the time of the settlement in England.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

4 mar 2019


1 nov 428 ano
1 nov 1066 ano
~ 638 years
