// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Renaissance (21 jan 1300 ano – 21 dez 1600 ano) (Linha do tempo)
April 1, 2024

Renaissance (21 jan 1300 ano – 21 dez 1600 ano)


A period in European history that was characterized by renewed interest in classical Greek and Roman culture. This included the power of human reason and human creative potential, and the worth of the individual. During this time period, there was a major expansion and reform in areas such as art, philosophy, science, and literature. In this time period, education was deemed very important - especially in study areas of humanities. This now more accessible education promoted one's economic freedom because many inventions were taking place. With adequate education, people could invent and promote their products.

Contributions to Classical Liberalism:
Since education was accessible, this allowed citizens to pursue their own self-interests in society. Many more inventions came to be in this era, as a result of equal opportunities and the freedom to seek education.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


21 jan 1300 ano
21 dez 1600 ano
~ 301 years
