// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. ...to the age of sensibility and private concerns (5 jun 1745 ano – 23 set 1780 ano) (Linha do tempo)
April 1, 2024

...to the age of sensibility and private concerns (5 jun 1745 ano – 23 set 1780 ano)


an interest in the natural world led to poetry exalting the emotions and meancholy. What mattered more and more was the artist's sensibility, and inspiration was increasingly found in nature and solitude, prefiguring romanticism. Growing interest in meditation, introspection and imagination. Originality prevails over imitation
Rise of Methodism with is emotionall response to god and to philanthropy

Poetry of melancholy: L Sterne, O Goldsmith

portraits of J Reynolds and landscapes of Gainsborough

against the excess of rationalism of the age of satire. Social and political issues were abandoned in favor of the poet's own experience and personal response to the beauty of nature →pre romantic poetry

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

17 nov 2019


5 jun 1745 ano
23 set 1780 ano
~ 35 years