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April 1, 2024

Battle of the Plains of Abraham (13 set 1759 ano – 30 abr 1760 ano)


After brutal losses by the British in trying to capture Québec, it all concluded on April 30 ,1760 with the British gaining control over Québec1 but aside from the obvious goal of capturing Québec, dismantling France as a commercial rival in the North American fur trade was another great part of the plan that would allow them easier access to land out West where they would take over French trading posts, build new ones and begin colonizing.
This is a very prevalent time in Canadian history for the fact that if the French kept control of Québec they could possibly have expanded their wealth and power which may have led to Canada today being under French rule or to an extent.
1. Charters, Erica M. “Disease, Wilderness Warfare, and Imperial Relations: The Battle for Quebec, 1759—1760.” War in History 16, no. 1 (January 2009): 1–2. doi:10.1177/0968344508097615.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


13 set 1759 ano
30 abr 1760 ano
~ 7 months