June 15, 2024

Tyler Administration (1 h 4 abr 1841 ano – 4 mar 1845 ano)


Name: John Tyler
Number: 10
Party: Whig/Unaffiliated
Home State: Virginia
Vice President: None
Secretary of State: Daniel Webster

Previous Offices:
VA Congressman (1816-21)
VA Governor (1825-27)
President pro tempore (1835)
VA Senator (1827-36)
Vice President (1841)

Nicknames: His Accidency (due to Tyler's ascent to the presidential office via succession)

Congressional Majority Parties (Senate / House)
27th Congress: Whig / Whig
28th Congress: Whig / Democrat

Chief Justice: Roger B. Taney

Notable Qualities: First president to assume the office because of his predecessor's death
First president to never have a vice president

While a Whig when campaigning with William Henry Harrison, Tyler ended up rejecting his party's ideals in many of his actions, such as vetoing the charter for the National Bank. Outraged, Senator and Whig leader Henry Clay disowned him from the party, while the Democrats did not claim him, leaving him effectively an independent.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


1 h 4 abr 1841 ano
4 mar 1845 ano
~ 3 years and 11 months
