June 15, 2024

Whiskey Rebellion (11 set 1791 ano – 9 out 1794 ano)


A rebellion by Western Pennsylvanian farmers in protest of the 1791 whiskey tax. Alexander Hamilton had orchestrated the passage of the text in order to promote revenue for the federal government and discourage Americans from drinking too much hard liquor. However, poor farmers depended on the sale of whiskey (which they converted from the grain they grew). They argued that Hamilton had essentially placed an income tax exclusively on farmers, as wealthy Easterners were barely affected by it. They became so upset that a group of them took up arms in protest. Many of them were war veterans that believed they were protesting for the same values as in the American Revolution, specifically no taxation without representation. Hamilton and other proponents of the tax countered by claiming that they did have representation in the government directly through the House of Representatives, who approved the tax. Nevertheless, the farmers began attacking federal officials attempting to collect the tax. In July 1794, 500 armed farmers under the command of Major James McFarlane attacked the home of tax inspector General John Neville. President Washington, determined to put down the rebellion, sent both peace negotiators and a militia force of 13,000 to Pennsylvania. Washington himself led the force partway, making him the only president in US history to have led armed forces while in office. The militia force didn't arrive in time, as the rebels had already dispersed, resulting in no confrontation. 20 people were arrested, but all charges were dropped. The whiskey tax, however, remained arduous to collect, with many farmers dodging it. It was repealed in 1801 when Thomas Jefferson became president, who supported farmers and opposed Hamilton's policies. The Whiskey Rebellion can be seen as a post-Constitution counterpart to Shays' Rebellion, as both involved angry and poor farmers taking up arms against the government. The difference was that the Confederate government was unable to mobilize an armed force to suppress it, while the government under the Constitution was. This proved to the American people that having a stronger federal government was necessary to suppress the tyranny of mob rule.

3-4 Pennsylvanian rebels killed
170 Pennsylvanian rebels captured
~12 militiamen died from disease or accidents

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


11 set 1791 ano
9 out 1794 ano
~ 3 years