June 15, 2024

Federalist Papers (27 out 1787 ano – 28 maio 1788 ano)


After the Constitution was written, the delegates mandated that at least nine of the thirteen states ratify it. To advocate for it, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay wrote a series of 85 essays called the Federalist Papers that argued the benefits of adopting the Constitution as the nation's new government. Those in favor of ratification were known as Federalists (unrelated to the later Federalist Party), and were opposed by the Anti-Federalists (led by revolutionary orator Patrick Henry), who believed the Constitution to be flawed for a number of reasons mostly about giving the federal (central) government too much power.

One such qualm was with the Elastic Clause, granting Congress the authority to "To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution ... all other Powers vested by this Constitution." Anti-Federalists feared the unlimited power granted to Congress through this clause, but Hamilton and Madison assured the people that that it would only grant the legislative branch powers already given to it through the rest of the document.

Another problem the Anti-Federalists had was the lack of a guarantee of individual rights, which they felt allowed the central government to abuse the people. While Federalists thought the separation of powers in the central government made such guarantees unnecessary, they nevertheless added a Bill of Rights to the Constitution, securing basic individual rights.

By the time all 85 essays were written, eight of the nine required states had already ratified the Constitution.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


27 out 1787 ano
28 maio 1788 ano
~ 7 months