June 15, 2024

French and Indian War (28 maio 1754 ano – 10 fev 1763 ano)


A war in North America against Great Britain and France, along with their Native American allies. During their conquests of the continent, France established colonies in the North and seeked to expand south, while the British were based in the East and pushed west. They collided at the Ohio River Valley, a valuable sect of land thanks to the river and lake surrounding it, making it an important trading center. In 1753, New France began building forts along the New French-New English border, escalating tensions further. Virginia Governor Robert Dinwiddie, who had land claims in the valley, sent Major George Washington to ambush some Canadian scouts, which he did on May 28, 1754, beginning the war.

The two nations quickly allied themselves with Native American tribes who were more familiar with the area. Great Britain teamed up with the Iroquois Confederacy, while France allied with the Wabanaki Confederacy, similar to the previous French and Indian wars. The French began the war with a long string of victories, including at Fort Necessity, Wilderness, and Fort William Henry. They had superior numbers and resources to the British, and soon pushed them back into the East. By 1756, Great Britain and France officially declared war on each other, leading to the Seven Years' War, a massive conflict that took place in Europe, Asia, and Africa. In North America, things began to turn around once British Secretary of State William Pitt took control of the war in 1757. He dedicated more money to the war effort, desiring to push the French out of the land in order to establish an overseas empire. Great Britain began pushing back, capturing Fort Ticonderoga in 1759 and capturing Quebec in 1760. After the latter engagement, the war soon wound down, wand in 1763 the Treaty of Paris was signed, ending both the French and Indian War and the Seven Years' War in Great Britain's favor.

The war granted Great Britain nearly all French land in mainland North America, including the sought-after Acadia. The war was extremely expensive, doubling Great Britain's debt. Consequently, they raised and enforced taxes on the colonists and forbade them from moving west to prevent war with Native Americans. Colonists were disgruntled by this, as they gave no consent and had no direct representation in Parliament, sentiments that would lead them to rebel against Great Britain and secede, forming the United States. France also lost large amounts of money to the war, soon becoming unable to feed its citizens, which would lead to the French Revolution. The end of the war also established Great Britain as a world power, previously hold the status of "marginal power" under Spain, Portugal, France, the Dutch Republic, etc.

13,700 British and Iroquois
Unknown French and Wabanaki deaths

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


28 maio 1754 ano
10 fev 1763 ano
~ 8 years and 8 months