// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Mary the Jewess (1 jan 170 ano antes da era comum – 1 jan 100 ano antes da era comum) (Linha do tempo)
April 1, 2024

Mary the Jewess (1 jan 170 ano antes da era comum – 1 jan 100 ano antes da era comum)


Mary or Maria the Jewess (Latin: Maria Prophetissima), also known as Mary the Prophetess, is an early alchemist who is known from the works of the Gnostic Christian writer Zosimos of Panopolis. On the basis of Zosimos's comments, she lived between the first and third centuries A.D.[1] French, Taylor and Lippmann list her as one of the first alchemical writers, dating her works at no later than the first century.[2][3]

She is credited with the invention of several kinds of chemical apparatus and is considered to be the first true alchemist of the Western world.[4]

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

22 fev 2021


1 jan 170 ano antes da era comum
1 jan 100 ano antes da era comum
~ 70 years
