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April 1, 2024

Fashion of Ancient Greece (30 abr 800 ano antes da era comum – 30 abr 500 ano antes da era comum)


The two most popular materials were wool and linen. Wool was made from the fleeces of local sheep and linen from flax that came from Egypt. Linen was a light fabric that was great in the summers. Wool was warmer and good for the winters. In the later periods of Ancient Greece, the wealthy were able to buy clothes made of cotton and silk. The two most popular materials were wool and linen. Wool was made from the fleeces of local sheep and linen from flax that came from Egypt. Linen was a light fabric that was great in the summers. Wool was warmer and good for the winters. In the later periods of Ancient Greece, the wealthy were able to buy clothes made of cotton and silk. Men generally wore a tunic called a chiton. The men's tunic could be shorter than the women's, especially if they were working outside. Men also wore a wrap called the himation. Sometimes the himation was worn without a chiton and was draped similar to a Roman toga. When hunting or going to war, the men sometimes wore a cloak called a chlamys.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

13 nov 2018


30 abr 800 ano antes da era comum
30 abr 500 ano antes da era comum
~ 300 years
