// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Age of Creation (1 jan 1000000000 ano antes da era comum – 23 h 59 m, 31 dez 251000000 ano antes da era comum) (Linha do tempo)
April 1, 2024

Age of Creation (1 jan 1000000000 ano antes da era comum – 23 h 59 m, 31 dez 251000000 ano antes da era comum)


The Age of Creation is a term used to describe the uncounted years of mythic time, beginning with the creation of Golarion and ending with the emergence of mortal races upon its face (the Age of Serpents). It was a time when the gods of Golarion played a much more active role than they do today. It was during the Age of Creation that the great battle that led to Rovagug's imprisonment occurred.


Adicionado na linha do tempo:

2 jan 2019


1 jan 1000000000 ano antes da era comum
23 h 59 m, 31 dez 251000000 ano antes da era comum
~ 5883516 years