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April 1, 2024

Age of Darkness/Age of Ashes (1 jan 5293 ano antes da era comum – 31 dez 4294 ano antes da era comum)


The Age of Darkness was a thousand-year period in which the sun's light was blocked by the ash knocked into the atmosphere by the meteoric impacts of Earthfall. It began with the impact of the Starstone in -5293 AR and lasted until the sun's light had been restored, roughly in -4294 AR. During the Age of Darkness, all major civilizations across Golarion were destroyed, ushering in a time of anarchy and destruction.


The Age of Ashes is the earliest historical time period in the Imperial Calendar of Tian Xia. It begins with the impact of the Starstone (an event known as Earthfall), which, even though it occurred on the opposite side of Golarion, still caused significant natural disasters in Tian Xia as well.

The age's name derives from the dust thrown up by the impact of the meteor, combined with large amounts of ash expelled by countless volcanoes, which blotted out the sun for many years and caused harsh winters all over the world. The Age of Ashes comes to a close with the rise of humanity in Tian Xia and the founding of the empire of Yixing in 1 IC.


Adicionado na linha do tempo:

2 jan 2019


1 jan 5293 ano antes da era comum
31 dez 4294 ano antes da era comum
~ 998 years