June 15, 2024

Reign of Imperator Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus (15 mar 27 ano antes da era comum – 15 mar 12 ano antes da era comum)


On March 15th, the Ides of March, in the year 12 BC, an old and infirm Julius Caesar announces before the Senate his intent to spend the rest of his days as a civilian, establishing a tradition of symbolic surrender of power - "Abdicatio" - that would remain an integral part of the principal office for the next 700 years.

The very same day, the Senate unanimously elects Octavian as Caesar's successor. He announces a week of feasts and sacrifices to the Gods, which too becomes a tradition - "Comissationis Principis", the Principal Revelry.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


15 mar 27 ano antes da era comum
15 mar 12 ano antes da era comum
~ 15 years