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April 1, 2024

Estonian War of Independence (28 nov 1918 ano – 2 ago 1919 ano)


Following the establishment of the United Baltic Duchy, many Estonians wished to be independent of Russia, but free from both German rule and influence. This would culminate in the Estonian war of independence.

An interesting point of this war was that while the Swedish and Germans remained on the same side of the Great War, the Estonian received both economic and diplomatic support from Sweden. However, their main supporters would appear in the Entente. Interestingly, Denmark declared war on Germany in support of Estonia, but remained neutral in the Great War, which made it considered a co-belligerent in that conflict.

Under threat to join the Entente by Sweden, which at this point controlled all of Fennoscandia, Germany agreed to negotiate the existence of an Estonian Free State. The ending terms of the treaty recognized the former Governorate of Estonia as a protectorate of Sweden.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


28 nov 1918 ano
2 ago 1919 ano
~ 8 months