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April 1, 2024

Reign of Darius (10 abr 521 ano antes da era comum – 24 jul 486 ano antes da era comum)


1. Darius I (c. 550-486 BCE), also known as Darius the Great, was the third Persian King of the Achaemenid Empire. His reign lasted 36 years, from c. 522 to 486 BCE; during this time the Persian Empire reached its peak.

2. Darius led military campaigns in Europe, Greece, and even in the Indus valley, conquering lands and expanding his empire. Not only resuming to military prowess, Darius also improved the legal and economic system and conducted impressive construction projects across the Persian Empire.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


10 abr 521 ano antes da era comum
24 jul 486 ano antes da era comum
~ 34 years