June 15, 2024

Caesar's Eastern Campaign (15 mar 43 ano antes da era comum – 29 ago 39 ano antes da era comum)


Having recovered from the wounds sustained in the attempt on his life, Caesar renews his plan to invade Parthia, humiliate them and recover the golden Aquila that were lost during his old friend Crassus' failed campaign in the east.

Caesar's strategy is to first bring Dacia to heel and march from there around the Black Sea, sacking and looting everything in his path while gathering new forces among the various client kingdoms in the Caucasus in anticipation of an invasion into Armenia from the north, the first step towards his march on Ctesiphon.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


15 mar 43 ano antes da era comum
29 ago 39 ano antes da era comum
~ 3 years and 6 months